Although The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was without a doubt a spectacular game, most gamers have run into more than their fair share of glitches, more so on the PS3 than other systems; some game breaking, some more amusing. Bethesda has been hard at work ever since the release to try and fix all of these issues. However, apparently the development team over at Bethesda knew that the PS3 would run into a wall of problems when it was released.
Bethesda released a statement earlier, clarifying their stance on their previous knowledge of the situation. “The team knew the PlayStation 3 version could run into a ‘bad memory situation’ and they coded solutions that they felt would work – and in their tests the solutions did work. Post release a ‘small percentage’ of users were still experiencing issues where it couldn’t keep up, and the team is working hard on solving it.”
Some gamers may have experienced the “bad memory situation” and yet some may never see a but the whole time they play. As Bethesda said, it is only a small percentage of people playing that experienced the issue. Although, some would think that they would have tried to fix the problems before they were released to the public to avoid all the backlash. What do you think? Have you run into very many problems with your PS3 Skyrim?
[Source: Game Informer]
its BS they should have said something about the ps3 version so people knew what console or whether or not to get it from. but the saddest thing is that gamers let it happen and i doubt anything will come from it.
nope, was to busy playing killzone to even have picked up skyrim