Community member releases ridiculous LittleBigPlanet montage

The European Blog put out a Contraption Challenge to the creative minds within LittleBigPlanet and the Sony community delivered with quite the amount of impressive entries of vehicles for the game. Gamers were challenged to create a gap-crossing vehicle through the game’s advanced My Moon create-a-level section.

After picking the finalists, a member of the community decided to put together a montage of his favorite Contraption Challenge entries from all nine challenges. The video is definitely a technical marvel considering how much can be achieved within LittleBigPlanet’s creation system.

We’ve included the video below.

Readers Comments (9)

  1. love little big planet and this montage. it just goes to show u, your imagination really is the limit in this game. as u can literally do tons of stuff in this game.

  2. the cow one made me laugh lol

  3. It’s amazing, not ridiculous 🙂

  4. It’s ridiculously amazing 😀

  5. Wow that was amazing.

  6. incredible

  7. Incredibly, ridiculously amazing =D

  8. wow O_O

  9. The Little Big Planet montage was awesome. Its good to see the Little Big Planet community creating so many cool stages to play on.

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