Irrational Games has announced 1999 Mode for its highly anticipated first-person shooter, BioShock Infinite.
The 1999 Mode is said to offer tweaks and features not included in Infinite’s standard single-player experience. Why? Well, Irrational want to offer something to those “who long for the days of games that demanded more of the player.”
“We want to give our oldest and most committed fans an option to go back to our roots,” said Irrational Creative Director Ken Levine, who stated 1999 Mode will include more permanent consequences as a result of their gameplay decisions.
“I’m an old school gamer,” he added. “We wanted to make sure we were taking into account the play styles of gamers like me.
“So we went straight to the horse’s mouth by asking them, on our website, a series of questions about how they play our games. 94.6 percent of respondents indicated that upgrade choices enhanced their BioShock gameplay experience; however, 56.8 percent indicated that being required to make permanent decisions about their character would have made the game even better.”
BioShock Infinite is set to hit PS3, as well as Xbox 360 and PC, sometime this year.