The last news we heard about the PS3/Vita dungeon crawler Warrior’s Lair was way back in spring; Colin Moriarty at IGN reported that “Sony had confirmed that the project is no longer associated with Idol Minds… and the game is in development at San Diego Studios.”
Fast forward to today, a new video on YouTube posted by the user PlayStationReport has emerged. The video shows off three distinct characters and includes more than 2 minutes of gameplay footage. The first character is a heavily armored knight armed with an axe and shield. He appears to be a tank class as he relies heavily on melee attacks as well as explosive charge-up attacks to take down multiple enemies and larger foes. The other two characters featured are a mage and ninja-like agile fighter. Not a lot of gameplay is shown for these two mentioned characters, but it’s noticed that they both rely heavily on ranged attacks compared to their axe wielding counterpart. Armed with a staff, the mage uses ranged elemental and area of attacks. The ninja-like character on the other hand maneuvers quickly; gracefully evading enemy attacks and finishes them off with rapid projectiles that shoot from his arm.
Interestingly enough, the opening of the video features the logo of the previous developer Idol Minds, not San Diego Studios. While this may mean the footage is outdated, this is the newest information that I’ve seen in a while and reminds me of one of the games I was really looking forward to for the Vita launch earlier in the year. The footage shown looks polished, so hopefully we’ll hear an official story from San Diego Studios soon.
Source: NeoGAF