PS Uni Underground Radio 007: Commie Sephrioth

Better late than never!

Despite Skype’s best efforts to stop us, the podcast is back at full force! Good thing, because Joe thinks letting everyone know about the PSN trophies he’s been earning on the can with his Vita is urgent information.

We discuss the usual news, Tyler reviewed Soul Calibur V, Malcolm tells us why he thinks we haven’t seen the last of Final Fantasy VII, and Joe waxes poetic about launch games throughout the history of PlayStation. Obviously, we go off topic a number of times throughout each discussion.

We’ve got a brand-new question for the community to answer this week, too, set dish out your answers on the PS Uni forums!

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Running Time: 1:42:10

Hosts: Joe Garcia (@Wons23), Malcolm Spinedi (@NotintheMiddle), Tyler Lee (@_SamuraiZero_)

Music: No More Lies by George & Jonathan | Buy “The Best Music” on Bandcamp