Medal of Honor “Friends from Afar” Trailer

For the first time in 10 years, Medal of Honor is leaving the WWII era and placing gamers in the Middle East. To give players an idea of what is in store, Electronic Arts has released a new Medal of Honor Experience trailer for your viewing pleasure.

Titled “Friends from Afar,” the video features a pair of U.S. snipers and their mission to execute Taliban from across a snow covered ravine. According to Electronic Arts, Medal of Honor is inspired by real events, working closely with Tier 1 Operators from the US Special Operations Community on the game’s development.

When watching the trailer, notice the flies buzzing around at about 1:20min in. An interesting observation to the detail provided in Medal of Honor. Also, keep in mind Medal of Honor releases October 12th in the US, October 15th in UK.

Readers Comments (3)

  1. Me likey!!


  2. That looks fantastic. The delay between firing the sniper rifle and the bullet hitting the target is a small but fantastic touch. Too often in shooters (hello Call of Duty) we have ‘bang … dead’ in these situations. That little delay adds tons to the realism.

  3. wow, its like a modern day killzone
    but its a bit to much realistic for my taste, i like my games fun and chalenging, like when i kill an enemy i like to see them return fire and try to kill me, here the guy was just killing all of them and they were just running around like chickens, what the fu** was that?

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