PS Uni Underground Radio: PAX East 2012 Interview Special

We have a special episode for you guys today. Joe made the trip to Boston and touched down in a little show called PAX East 2012! Armed with a voice recorder and a mission, he took on some of the best of the video game industry.

First, Joe interviews Camille Guermonprez, founder of Arkedo. Camille and his team are behind the new game Hell Yeah!a story about a bunny prince of darkness who gets caught having relations with a rubber duckie and swears revenge. I can’t make this stuff up, but the folks at Arkedo can!

Next, Joe tackles Suda51 (not literally), the mad genius behind such games as Shadows of the Damned, No More Heroes, Killer 7, and the upcoming Lollipop Chainsaw. What strategy does Suda51 bring to the development of this upcoming title?

Finally, Joe goes one-on-one with Jeramy Cooke, the art director for Borderlands 2. What awesome things are in store for the much anticipated sequel? Was there a rivalry between Borderlands and Rage?

Special thanks once again to Camille, Suda51, and Jeremy for making the time to speak to Joe!

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Running Time: 00:32:40