PS3’s now profitable; supply still short

Sony’s Shuheu Yoshida has finally confirmed that the PlayStation 3 is turning an actual product and no longer bleeding the hardware sector dry of funds. This is great news for the company, but unfortunately, they’re still struggling to meet demand in the retail world as the company continues to face shortages. Yoshida also mentions to IGN that Sony isn’t looking to cut its prices right now, but instead, trying to catch up to demand that has been running strong since January of this year.

“This year is the first time that we are able to cover the cost of the PlayStation 3,” Yoshida said. “We aren’t making huge money from hardware, but we aren’t bleeding like we used to.

“When we bring the cost of hardware down, we are looking at opportunities to adjust prices if we believe that will increase demand,” he explained. “At the moment, we are trying to catch up our production.”

“We have lots of great games coming out and innovations with Move and 3DTV, so we don’t believe this is the time for us to think about a price drop,” he added.

This is great news for Sony and as supplies start to replenish world wide, the increased sales figures should only help further the financial situation within its hardware sector.

Readers Comments (5)

  1. YES! The rich are getting richer! lol

  2. lol Daevv

  3. wouldn’t you know it, they finally are seeing the gold, yet they cant meet demand. oh well, its like i said all along, it can only get better from here

  4. Hopefully all this money doesn’t turn them into Microsoft.

  5. Its about time.

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